
C2 Bharat

Carbon Offsetting Programme


C2 Bharat

Carbon Credit Programme


C2 Bharat

Plastic Waste Management


C2 Bharat

Renewable Energy Program


Renewable Energy

Carbon Foot Print -Removal 


Welcome to C2 Bharat

Clean & Green Earth

Carbon Clean Bharat was initiated in 2023, when we came front with the intention of Carbon clean Society. Our work is founded on the belief that achieving net zero isn’t a pipe dream, it’s an imperative. But it will take far more than a focus on renewables.

Key industries can and should play a significant role in global carbon reduction. We provide all the services needed to achieve net zero, including technology licence and sol.vent supply, a full process design package (PDP) and proprietary equipment, and end-to-end systems — including desig.

Are you ready to explore

Achieving net zero will require a two-part approach

First and foremost, human-caused emissions (such as those from fossil-fueled vehicles and factories) should be reduced as close to zero as possible. Any remaining emissions should then be balanced with an equivalent amount of carbon removal, which can happen through natural approaches like restoring forests

  • Tracking & managing energy & water to cut carbon emissions
  • Switch to LED streetlights & LED Panels
  • Diverting more waste away from landfill for productive uses
  • Installation of solar panels on city buildings ,Bus Station, and many other locations
  • Switching to a 100% renewable electricity to reduce overall emissions
  • Zero emissions transport by investing in electric vehicles

Decarbonizing heavy industries , planting trees, restoring wetlands, and technologies such as direct air capture of CO2 to cancel out the remaining carbon stacked up, leaving a country at net zero.

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